Saturday, July 10, 2010

Other Summer Fun: Runner's Camp (Noah)

The Runner's Camp

July 5 - 8, & 11, 2010

Noah: I felt good about running camp. One of the people on my baseball team (Connor) was in my group. Running camp is a place where you learn track and field events. Some of the field events we learned was shot put, high jump, long jump, and hurdles. We also played water games, like duck duck goose and water dodge ball, and I got wet. When we played water dodge ball I hit a bunch of guys. My team won. When we played water duck duck goose it turned into a water fight. My teacher (Coach Todd) got soaked. I had fun.

Hurdles & Long Jump

Playing "Gorilla Man Gun" -- a game similar to "Rock Paper Scissors"

Track & Field Meet
Saturday, July 11, 2010

On the last day I won first place in shot put. I got fifth place in the 100. In the 200 I won fourth place. It felt good!

Putting on his game face, Noah prepares to compete in his first ever track and field meet. Mental toughness pays off as Noah gets focused before throwing the shot put that earned him a blue, first place ribbon.

Noah came in 4th place in the 100 meter dash. After competing in his heat he got some advice and encouragement from Coach Marion.

After waiting until nearly 10:30 pm to compete, Noah fulfilled a dream by running through the ribbon at the finish line for a "nearly-tied for first" finish in the 200 meter dash. Final results found Noah in 4th place, less than 1 second behind the first place finisher. Mom asked, "Was it worth it to wait all that time in order to run through the ribbon at the finish line?" Noah's answer: "YES!"

Mom's Note: Noah had a great week at Runner's Camp, and I would highly recommend it for anyone in the Wake Forest/Raleigh area. It's a Christian-based camp sponsored by North Wake Church, and it was really well done. Everyone was super nice and Noah had a fabulous time. This is the 9th year of Runner's Camp and there were about 250 kids at the camp this past week. They also experienced their hottest day in the history of Runner's Camp on Wednesday of this week! But with water games to keep him cool, Noah hardly noticed the heat!

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