Announcer (A): Hello, faithful followers! Thanks for joining us today. We're live outside Crossroads Church in Raleigh where Camp Adventure 2010 has just come to an end. Joining us is rising 3rd grade camper, Noah Jenkins. So Noah, we know that Camp Adventure is a free, half-day Fine Arts and Sports camp sponsored by Crossroads Church. What else can you tell us about Camp Adventure?
Noah Jenkins (NJ): Camp Adventure is where you can go and do stuff at Rachael's church.
A: And what kinds of things did you do?
NJ: Karate, gymnastics, games . . . .
A: Sounds like fun. What was your favorite thing?
NJ: I liked to see Past0r Jim drink the smoothie. You had to raise 800 jars of peanut butter and jelly and then Past0r Jim would drink a smoothie with bugs in it. The peanut butter and jelly was for the Food Bank.
A: Ohhh . . . gross! What would you say was your favorite activity?
NJ: Gymnastics.
A: Why?
NJ: It was fun.
A: Why?
NJ: It had a big bouncy thing.
A: Can you describe it?
NJ: It was a big trampoline-thing and we got to jump on it.
A: Okay . . . um, switching gears -- I understand there was a Bible lesson each day, with a Bible point. Can you tell me the Bible points for each of the four days of camp?
NJ: They were (1) Get it; (2) Get prayer; (3) Get God's love; (4) Get Going.
A: Super! Can you explain the what Get Going means?
NJ: Yeah. It means you already did all that stuff and you can get going.
A: Humm . . . I was thinking it was about taking what you learned and showing God's love to others out in your community. Ok. One final question, Noah. Would you recommend Camp Adventure?
NJ: For what, people? Sure.
A: And why would you recommend Camp Adventure?
NJ: Because it's fun.
A: And there you have it folks, a resounding endorsement for Camp Adventure. With 350 kids and over 100 volunteers, Camp Adventure 2010 was a huge success. Tune in next week when Mom actually makes Noah write his own section of the blog instead of "interviewing" him and writing his answers for him.
With best friend Rachael by his side, Noah gives the photographer a look that says, "Why do I have to do this? I don't want to get my picture taken." (Huge sigh). "Just take the picture!"