Boys night out! Kevin took the kids to see "Smackdown" at the RBC Center tonight, and they were REALLY EXCITED to go. What's "Smackdown", you may ask? It's a show that's part of the WWE -- World Wrestling Entertainment. Professional wrestlers travel around the world, entertaining young and old alike by beating each other up using choke slams, submission holds, tables, ladders, and chairs, steel cages, and various other sadistic methods of madness. The crowd goes crazy, yelling out insults to the villains, cheering their heros, waving their homemade signs . . . What could be more awesome or cool for boys everywhere? Not to mention the Divas!
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Wrestling?? Is she serious? She not only lets her kids watch wrestling on TV but she let them go to a live show? Kind of redneck, don't you think? Isn't that wildly inappropriate for kids under 13? The skimpy costumes, the questionable language, violent storylines . . . what is she thinking?" Gentle Reader, at this time I will respectfully ask that you suspend your judgement of me and my parenting. Sometimes, when you're the only women in a house full of men (ahem, boys) you have to choose your battles with care. This, Gentle Reader, is one of those times.
Nathan: Today me and Noah and Dad went to Smackdown. First when we got there we parked in spot 364 at the RBC Center. Then we went inside and got pizza. Next we came down to our seats and watched NXT (which is like the Next Generation of Wrestlers). After NXT we saw Smackdown. Kofi Kingston, Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry, Team Lay-Cool, Rey Mysterio, C.M. Punk, Jack Swagger, and many more superstars. The match I was most excited to see ended up being the worst match we saw -- a tag-team cage match. I thought it would be longer than 3 minutes, but this is what happened. Rey Mysterio ran and slid into Jack Swagger and C.M. Punk. Then Jack Swagger got up. So Big Show gave him the knock out punch, and Jack Swagger fell down unconscious. So then The Big Show pinned him and won. The best part of the whole show was I got on T.V. When we were sitting in our seats a camera on a giant crane came in our faces. Me and Noah screamed and jumped up with our signs. It was pretty exciting. After that it was time to go so we left and got a cheeseburger from McDonalds.
Noah: Tonight we went to Smackdown at the RBC Center. It was a great experience for my first time at a live wrestling show. I was really excited to go. There was a match with Kofi Kingston vs. Mark Henry that was my favorite. First, Kofi Kingston punched Mark Henry. Then Mark Henry flipped Kofi over his head. Then Koki got up and jumped on Mark, and then he pinned him. Then Kane came in and choke slammed him. Then I held up my sign. My favorite wrestler that I saw was Kane. John Cena is my favorite wrestler, but he's on RAW. My dad bought me a new John Cena hat that I wanted. Then we got pizza and left. I had a very fun time.
Noah: Tonight we went to Smackdown at the RBC Center. It was a great experience for my first time at a live wrestling show. I was really excited to go. There was a match with Kofi Kingston vs. Mark Henry that was my favorite. First, Kofi Kingston punched Mark Henry. Then Mark Henry flipped Kofi over his head. Then Koki got up and jumped on Mark, and then he pinned him. Then Kane came in and choke slammed him. Then I held up my sign. My favorite wrestler that I saw was Kane. John Cena is my favorite wrestler, but he's on RAW. My dad bought me a new John Cena hat that I wanted. Then we got pizza and left. I had a very fun time.
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